Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Hola Espana!

So we made it here safe!  The drive to Chicago was fast, despite the fact that Mom and Dad are THE WORST drivers in the world and I nearly had 18 heart attacks.  I was more worried about them making it back to DePere safe than me making it to Sevilla.  On the bright side, there was a Chipotle right by the airport...which was probably the best way to spend my last meal before leaving America for 4 months.  I actually only ate half and went through customs and security with the other half and ate it right before I boarded haha.  Didn't have to pay any extra fees for my checked bag being 53 pounds, my carry-on being too big and much too heavy and my personal item being big enough to pass as a carry-on.  Then, the 8 hour flight may or may not have been one of the more torturous things I've experienced in my life.  Didn't sleep even 5 minutes the entire time, they played a boring movie, forgot to charge my iPod before I left and it was too dark to read.  Then, we had a <1 hour layover in Madrid, and literally had to run to the boarding gate (which may have been funny if I weren't carrying my 30 pound "carry on" and 10 pound "purse").  But enough of me being a Debbie Downer....yayyyyy finally here.  Still doesn't feel real!

Spain is kinda crazy.  You could see the 6 lane round-a-bouts from the plane.  The first song I heard was Kesha, 'We are who we R' in English.  The people here treat water like it's super fancy and almost like an expensive dessert.  It's served in fancy bottles and I really just want to order a Tosh-tini.   I have tried something new with each meal (look at me getting out of my comfort zone/trying not to starve to death)...some soup-ish thing which was sherbert orange and kinda like tomato soup but textured like apple sauce and cold, eggplant and shrimp.  Hopefully not breathing while eating is a habit I can acquire very quickly haha.  Oh, and facebook automatically updated the time for did it know I changed time zones?  And know Google (pronounced googlay here) and all the websites are in there some sort of tracking device on my computer?  Oh, and was not prepared to see the badet (spelling?) in the bathroom...awkward.

There are 90 people in the CIEE Business & Society program from the US.  Probably about 20 from Madison and quite a few from Indiana University.  Not really anything too exciting yet but figured you were all SO worried about me making it here safe, so I thought I'd let you know :)  


PS.  If you have a gmail account, follllow me so I don't feel like I'm just writing this to myself lol.  If you don't have a gmail account - leave comments :)


  1. Renee,
    Aunt Jean, Sam, and Gram all say they are glad you made it. Also....I am probs the only one who read this. Loser
    The middle Renee

  2. Nope since I am out of the Facebook loop I will be reading too :) I am glad to hear you made it there safe that is a looong journey. I am so excited to hear about the adventures of Michelle! Good luck getting settled in!

    Love You,

  3. Lol, is the tomato soup/applesauce thing you're referring to gazpacho?? Cuz if you get it at the right places that shit is delicious.

  4. No, it wasn't gazpacho. It's...salmoreja? Something like that...y no me gusta!

  5. So of course as I read the excerpt about you trying new foods, all I can picture is you doing that creepy tongue tasting thing you do! Fluttering chin skin makes me cringe! >_<

  6. Thanks for the e-mail! Miss you already! This blog is new to me so hope you get this... Listening to you describe the food is sooo funny, send some recipes if you find something good! Can't wait to see pics! Talk soon, love Vicki and Mitch

  7. I need to address a few things.

    1- I am glad you made it safe.
    2 - I am jealous it's warm(ish)
    3 - what type of food does Spain have besides nasto soup?
    4 - after 22ish years of living there, have you not learned how to spell De Pere? (there's a space)
    5 - speaking of spelling errors, I believe it is ChiPot, not Chipotle

  8. Today was the "coldest day of the year" and it was about 40. They eat a lot of small sandwiches and dishes that are really just a bunch of things mixed together and cooked. Like today we had this rice and seafood dish and yesterday we had this vegetable dish where it was just a bunch of veggies and potatoes mixed together. And I know it's De Pere but it's just easier to type DePere lol.

  9. sólo para hacerle saber que la unidad aproximadamente 40,000 millas al año sin accidentes

    Veo que usted está aprendiendo la jerga de barras. No se olvide que usted está allí para estudiar
    love dad
